
Visit to Austria

On 23-24th June Gergő and Ákos went to Austria to visit Dr. Franz Lahnsteiner and Florian A. Kunz at the Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft in Scharfling and its fish farm in Kreuzstein. In addition to being partners in the COST Action FA1205 AQUAGAMETE, we have a long history of collaboration with Franz and hist colleagues and we share a common interest in the culture of various fish species including salmonids, percids, tench and burbot. We discussed the possiblities of a joint Austrian-Hungarian project on various aspects of fish sperm cryopreservation.

Dr. Franz Lahnsteiner, Florian A. Kunz and Ákos discussing project possibilites in Scharfling, Austria. The beer is alcohol-free of course 😉. Photo by Gergő

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