
Habilitation lecture of Ákos

On Thursday 24th March Ákos had his habilitation lecture: he made presentations both in English and Hungarian languages. Ákos received the maximal number of points from the scientific commitee.

during the English presentation

questions and comments


Transplantation of spermatogonia in Japan

Two members of our group (Jelena and Zoran) spent one month in Japan working in the labs of prof. dr Goro Yoshizaki (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology). The topic of their stay was training in transplantation of spermatogonia on trout and zebrafish.

One week they spent at the trout farm in Oizumi region working on transplantation of sprematogonia.  

With part of the Oizumi team
Preparing the tissue
The needle is ready
Preparing the larve
And start transplantation
Small sightseeing of Oizumi region

Three weeks they spent in the labs Tokyo working on transplantation of spermatogonia on zebrafish.

We were honored to be there

Zoran and Li san
Happy face in the lab
Preparing the tissue