
New paper accepted in Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

A new paper in collaboration with our colleagues from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, was accepted for publication in the journal `Fish Physiology and Biochemistry`.

Lujić J.,Marinović Z., Sušnik Bajec S., Djurdjevič I., Urbányi B., Horváth Á. 2018. Interspecific germ cell transplantation: A new light in the conservation of valuable Balkan trout genetic resources? Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

Abstract: Interspecific transplantation of germ cells from the brown trout Salmo trutta m. fario and the European grayling Thymallus thymallus into rainbow trout Oncorhychus mykiss recipients was carried out in order to improve current practices in conservation of genetic resources of endangered salmonid species in the Balkan Peninsula. Current conservation methods mainly include in situ efforts such as the maintenance of purebred individuals in isolated streams and restocking with purebred fingerlings, however additional ex situ strategies such as surrogate production are needed. Steps required for transplantation such as isolation of high number of viable germ cells and fluorescent labeling of germ cells which are to be transplanted have been optimized. Isolated and labelled brown trout and grayling germ cells were intraperitoneally transplanted into three to five days post hatch rainbow trout larvae. Survival of the injected larvae was comparable to the controls. Sixty days after transplantation,fluorescently labelled donor cells were detected within the recipient gonads indicating successful incorporation of germ cells (brown trout spermatogonia and oogonia - 27%; grayling spermatogonia - 28%; grayling oogonia - 23%). PCR amplification of donor mtDNA CR fragments within the recipient gonads additionally corroborated the success of incorporation. Overall, the transplantation method demonstrated in this study presents the first step and a possible onset of the application of the germ cell ransplantation technology in conservation and revitalization of genetic resources of endangered and endemic species or pop ulations of salmonid fish and thus give rise to new or improved management strategies for such species.

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